The Besen Centre is open - COVIDSafe Information for theatre patrons

No matter how big your event is, we can assist you with organising it all

Hiring the Besen Centre

All the required forms are located in the side column to the right. The information below outlines catering, liquor and staffing for your event if it’s required and additional questions we commonly get asked are located on our FAQ Page

If you’re ready to book please call our Hire’s Office on either: (03) 9834 0200 or (03) 9834 0200


Personal food bought into the Venue by individuals for their own consumption is permitted, however any other catering within the Venue is to be provided by TMS and its catering department and/or caterers hired by the Hirer from an approved listing supplied by TMS.

The Venue can supply to the Hirer quotes for certain catering needs. The Hirer should fill out the catering needs sheet contained in the Hiring Request Form if it wishes to receive such quotes.


The Venue is a licensed premises and no person or organisation shall bring on to or cause to be bought on to the premises alcohol of any kind. Should alcohol be found on the premises it will be confiscated and disposed of by TMS without any compensation payable to the Hirer or any other person.

Consumption of alcohol is limited to the inside of the premises and the main external concourse only. Persons attempting to remove alcohol beyond these confines will be asked to return back to a licensed area.

All persons employed by TMS whether or not serving behind the bar holds a valid “Responsible Serving of Alcohol” qualification and will, should the need arise, refuse to serve or have the service suspended from any person(s) that appear inebriated or whom are of a quarrelsome disposition.



The Hirer shall nominate two responsible adult persons from its organisation to act as Emergency Evacuation Wardens for the Hiring Period. All relevant information regarding the duties of the wardens shall be given to the wardens upon arrival at the Venue (a copy of the instructions is attached as Annexure B). The names of the wardens are to be included on the Hiring Request Form where indicated. Failure by the Hirer to comply with this clause shall cause TMS to employ and engage such staff as may be required for these purposes and all associated costs will be charged to the Hirer’s account.


The Venue policy around ushers has changed. Please speak to the Venue Manager or Production Manager for details on how this relates to your event.

Additional Technicians

If TMS considers that additional technicians (over and above the one technician allotted to you in the rental fee) are required to ensure your hiring runs smoothly, you will be advised. Should additional technicians be engaged by TMS, the associated costs will be charged to your account at the prescribed rate as shown in Scale of Rates.

Should you elect not to employ additional technician(s) you should be aware that the quality of the performance piece to be presented might be jeopardised.

Meal Breaks

Staff supplied by TMS shall receive a minimum of 30 minutes break every five continuous hours of work for the same Hirer.